Art Pottery, Politics and Food
Thursday, March 10, 2005
Ain't got no distractions
Can't hear those buzzers and bells,
Don't see lights a flashin'
Plays by sense of smell.
--The Who

"If you're going to spend 60 days traveling the country, fix something that's broke, not something that's worked perfect for 70 years."
--Dan Borsch, 28, Louisville, KY

"No more lies, don't privatize!"
--Kentucky Demonstrators

"We think we need to repair it and strengthen it, not destroy it. And we think that these private accounts [sic] is the first step in destroying it."
--Laurel True, AARP Member, Shelbyville, KY

"If I hadn't had Social Security with them [her children], I would not be where I am today. I wouldn't have been able to go to college. They [the children] would have ended up in an orphanage."
--Patrice Blanchard, 53, Crestwood, KY

Quotes from and the Associated Press

Image: Reuters
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